Do you want to reduce your print costs and increase efficiencies through print management in your establishment?
Plus what about the ever increasing importance of data security with the heightened awareness of GDPR?
KCS has the solution with our national framework for the supply of multi-functional devices and document solutions, digital duplicators, print equipment and managed services.
Our framework is available for use by all public sector bodies and charities and offers a range of benefits including:
- Better value pricing based on the aggregated spend of the public sector
- Fully OJEU-compliant buying in line with UK and EU purchasing regulations
- Fully approved supplier network
- Dedicated central point of contact
- Full, free support throughout the lifetime of your contract
- No price increases
- No minimum billing
- No collection charges
- No complex finance leases or documentation
- Flexible leasing periods of 3, 4 or 5 years
- All consumables costs (toner and staples) included
- A4 and A3 copies charged at the same price
- Hard disk drive removal service
- Short-term device loans available
Customers using our framework are able to reduce wasted paper and print, improve security of confidential documents, improve the user experience by being able to print securely to the most effective device, track and control usage and behaviour and reduce environmental impact. So not only do customers benefit from an improved and easier procurement route, but also reap the rewards of time and cost savings in the long term!
For even more information about how you can benefit from our leading MFD framework get in touch with our team or visit and ‘Experience More’ with KCS.
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