• Take proactive measures to address workplace stress

    960 640 Guest Post

    By iHASCO

    Stress has been more prevalent for many employees during these unprecedented times, due to uncertainty and rapid change both in and outside of the workplace. This, on top of the additional pressures of a pandemic, such as health and financial worries, has had a damaging effect on a person’s wellbeing – and if not addressed properly, can lead to other health implications such as high blood pressure, becoming more susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders and other mental health issues.

    The result of stressed employees can cause a reduction of workplace productivity and performance, as well as decreased job satisfaction. Stress, depression or anxiety were responsible for a staggering 17.9 million lost working days in 2019/20.

    Unsurprisingly, stress is the leading cause of workplace ill-health and sickness absence. With 67% of teachers and other education professionals describing themselves as stressed, it is evident that educational institutions must prioritise their employee’s mental wellbeing. It can be as simple as starting conversations around the topic of mental health to raise awareness, or providing opportunities to develop vital skills to build resilience and deal with stressful situations.

    Here at iHASCO, we can help school leaders show their staff that employee wellbeing is a priority. Our range of online Mental Health & Wellbeing Training courses aim to reduce the negative stigma surrounding mental health and promote the importance of positive wellbeing at work.

    Some of our most popular course titles include:

    Gain instant access to our full course library today, and see how our online training can equip your staff with the tools they need to succeed in their role. Employees who can effectively deal with stress will not only be happier but let manageable pressure help them use challenges to accomplish more at work.


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