• ScholarPack cloud MIS solution acquired by The Key

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    The Key has acquired ScholarPack, a cloud-based management information system (MIS) provider for primary schools.

    The deal means The Key will be able to offer schools an MIS that ensures they comply with statutory regulations, are able to effectively manage their day-to-day data requirements and support improvements in standards.

    As part of the acquisition, ScholarPack CEO Rich Harley will join The Key’s senior leadership team and continue to run the company’s operations out of Lincoln. The Key and ScholarPack will work side-by-side to continue to offer their respective solutions to members.

    Cloud-based systems like ScholarPack have become increasingly popular with schools in recent years, offering an array of time-saving solutions for senior management and administrative staff.

    ScholarPack offers functionality designed specifically for primary schools, including assessment, interventions and communications, with over 1,000 schools currently using the platform.

    Rich Harley, CEO of ScholarPack, said: “There is a clear and accelerating shift in the market from legacy to cloud and ScholarPack is driving this trend. The rate of switching amongst primary schools has more than doubled in five years and in 2017 alone, 701 schools switched MIS, compared to 280 in 2012.”

    Richard Jewell, COO, The Key, said: “There is an increased awareness amongst school leaders that change is possible, and as a result ScholarPack is growing faster than all of its competitors combined. Working together, we can provide unparalleled value to education leaders, freeing up capacity and helping them to focus on pupil outcomes.”


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien

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