• Unlocking unlimited learning with the Netflix model

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    Rodrigo Rodríguez, CEO and founder of Odilo, discusses why the Netflixisation of academia will shape the future of learning and how unlimited learning ecosystems are the most viable environment for academic progress…

    In early 2020, global learning was catapulted into an online only environment and one of the biggest immediate concerns was access. How can we create equality and maintain high standards in education by making digital content readily accessible and affordable to all?

    Online learning platforms can be heralded as the saviour of the sector, but only if they offer relevant functionalities and are properly implemented. We must also think about how we can tailor to individual learners needs rather than to the collective.

    Unlimited learning ecosystems

    To achieve this, you must put the user at the heart and not adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach. It’s imperative that institutions adopt intelligent content platforms to create customised, unlimited learning experiences that adapt to the user. It’s not enough to purely host content online. By utilising data-driven, AI powered solutions, the experience can be personalised, offering unlimited learning possibilities. This is where the Netflixisation of academia notion comes into play or what I like to call, an unlimited learning ecosystem, if you will.

    Customised ‘Netflix’ learning experiences

    The key is to utilise integrated technology to create unlimited learning ecosystems and to provide intelligent ‘Netflix’ style experiences that are tailored to the learner. This can be achieved by customising the design and management of certified learning paths, learning clubs, reading plans, onboarding plans and communities. For example, students can exchange their opinions online using learning clubs, collaborative virtual spaces, in which it is possible to stimulate the mind with exercises and questions about the title being studied and exchange opinions and experiences with classmates, the teacher and even special experts such as the author of a book, audiobook or title in any format.

    Then the ‘Netflix’ experience as a service element provides personalised new content suggestions, learning campaigns, contests and notifications. The best thing about these learning platforms is that they are personalised so each student has a different homepage with recommended titles and learning paths designed for their learning needs.

    For example, maybe one student has “The Wolf of Wall Street” in her recommended carousel, but a fellow classmate doesn’t see that title when they log in, since it does not fit with their interests and consumption habits.


    We must not forget, it is important that all platforms are inclusive for all, especially for learners with special educational needs. Those who have learning difficulties or reduced visual abilities should have a learning experience suited to their needs. For example, each electronic textbook can be listened to and offer technology developed especially for easier reading for people with dyslexia or difficulties for reading and learning. These technologies can be used at any time, from anywhere and on all devices, both online and offline.

    Moving forward into the new world

    What this pandemic has taught us is to quickly react and actually act. Now fully submerged into an online world, people have had the opportunity to trial many digital platforms and see the tremendous benefits they have to offer.

    If we democratize quality educational content and provide personalised platforms for different kinds of institutions like governments, libraries, schools, universities and corporates, the learning journey will become unique with a frictionless user experience. The platform can be tailored by the organisation for their specific requirements. And the AI capabilities mean that the platform is also learning too, always aggregating data, to suggest the best content for the user. This will revolutionise learning behaviours.

    Equality in education is paramount and as a blended learning environment looks imminent. Online, intelligent platforms tailored to the individual will continue to prevail due to the learner’s thirst for Netflix style experiences.

    About The Author

    Rodrigo has developed his career through several positions of responsibility within the telecommunications company British Telecom. Rodrigo studied at Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and completed a Master of Science (MS) in Telecommunications Engineering. 



    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien

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