• Digital Dawn: How tablets and laptops can boost educational outcomes

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien

    The intersection of technology and education has ushered in an era of transformative change over the last 20 years. Among the tools to have made the most impact in the classroom are tablet computers and laptops, revolutionising the learning landscape in UK schools and at home.

    While the benefits are clear, the implementation of digital devices in schools should be done carefully. The digital divide can create disparities among students based on their access to technology at home. Therefore, schools must ensure every student has access to a device. Online safety is another concern; schools must teach students about responsible digital behaviours and set up safeguards to protect them online.

    Here’s how the provision of these devices can enhance educational outcomes…

    Promotes Interactive Learning: Tablets and laptops facilitate interactive learning, making education more engaging. Digital simulations and models can help students grasp complex concepts more easily. Furthermore, game-based learning can motivate students and encourage their participation.

    Facilitates Personalised Education: Every student learns at their own pace, and technology can accommodate this. Adaptive learning applications can modify teaching materials based on individual learning styles and capabilities, leading to more effective learning outcomes.

    Boosts Digital Literacy: The modern world necessitates digital literacy, and using tablets and laptops from an early age equips students with essential digital skills. These skills range from basic computer operations to understanding digital etiquette, online safety, and responsible internet use.

    Improves Access to Resources: With a laptop or tablet, students can access a vast array of digital resources beyond their textbooks. Educational platforms, online libraries, and interactive learning materials can provide enriched content and stimulate intellectual curiosity.

    Encourages Collaboration: Many digital tools promote collaborative learning. Students can work together on projects in real-time, share resources, and engage in discussions, fostering teamwork and communication skills.

    Enhances Teacher Efficiency: Technology can automate routine tasks, such as tracking attendance or grading multiple-choice tests, freeing up teachers to focus more on instruction and student interaction. Teachers can also use data analytics to track student progress and tailor their teaching strategies accordingly.

    Supports Learning Beyond Classroom: Tablets and laptops facilitate distance learning, ensuring education continuity during holidays, sick days, or unprecedented events like a pandemic. They also allow students to revisit class material at their own convenience, reinforcing classroom learning.

    Eco-Friendly Approach: Digital materials reduce the need for paper-based resources, promoting an environmentally friendly approach to education.

    Prepares for Future Careers: The future workplace will be heavily dependent on technology. Familiarity with digital tools prepares students for higher education and future careers, giving them a competitive edge.

    Supports SEND: Technology can make education more accessible for students with special needs. For example, text-to-speech and speech-to-text applications can assist students with dyslexia or hearing impairments.

    Tablets and laptops have the potential to significantly enhance educational outcomes in UK schools. These devices can facilitate personalised, interactive, and engaging learning, fostering digital literacy and preparing students for their future careers.

    Are you on the hunt for technology solutions for you school, college or university? The Education Technology Forum can help!

    Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien

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