• CREATING SPACES MONTH: How to encourage a positive and productive school environment

    960 640 Stuart O'Brien
    School facilities managers play a pivotal role in creating and maintaining indoor spaces that are not only functional but also engaging and conducive to learning. With the right approach, these spaces can inspire students and staff alike, fostering a positive and productive school environment. Here are some top tips for those looking to establish and maintain engaging indoor spaces….
    1. Prioritise Natural Light: Studies have shown that natural light can significantly enhance learning by improving mood and concentration. Wherever possible, maximise the use of natural light in classrooms and common areas. This may involve redesigning window spaces or repositioning furniture to ensure light is distributed evenly throughout the room.
    2. Incorporate Greenery and Nature: Bringing elements of nature indoors can reduce stress and boost well-being among students and staff. Consider adding indoor plants, living walls, or even small indoor gardens. These elements not only purify the air but also add to the aesthetic appeal of the space.
    3. Create Flexible Learning Environments: The traditional classroom setup is evolving. Flexible learning environments that can be easily reconfigured for different activities and teaching styles are becoming more popular. Invest in movable furniture and adaptable spaces that encourage collaboration, creativity, and active learning.
    4. Integrate Technology: In today’s digital age, integrating technology into indoor spaces is essential. Ensure that classrooms are equipped with the necessary infrastructure to support digital learning tools, such as interactive whiteboards, projectors, and adequate charging stations for devices.
    5. Foster a Sense of Ownership: Engage students and staff in the design and decoration of indoor spaces. Allowing them to contribute ideas or artwork can foster a sense of ownership and pride in their environment. This involvement can also ensure that the spaces meet the actual needs and preferences of their users.
    6. Ensure Comfort and Safety: Comfortable and safe environments are crucial for effective learning. Ensure that furniture is ergonomically designed and that indoor spaces meet all health and safety standards. Regular maintenance checks should be conducted to identify and address any issues promptly.
    7. Use Colour Strategically: Colour can have a significant impact on mood and energy levels. Use colour strategically in indoor spaces to create a vibrant and stimulating environment. Different colours can be used to delineate areas and to make spaces more engaging and welcoming.
    8. Promote Art and Creativity: Displaying student artwork or creative projects can make indoor spaces more personal and engaging. Consider creating dedicated areas for art displays or using digital screens to showcase student achievements.
    9. Maintain Cleanliness and Order: A clean and well-organised environment is essential for maintaining an engaging indoor space. Implement effective cleaning and maintenance routines to ensure that spaces are always ready for use.
    10. Regularly Review and Refresh: The needs of students and staff can change over time. Regularly review and refresh indoor spaces to ensure they continue to meet these evolving needs and remain engaging and inspiring.

    By prioritising natural light, incorporating greenery, creating flexible environments, integrating technology, fostering ownership, ensuring comfort and safety, using colour strategically, promoting art and creativity, maintaining cleanliness, and regularly reviewing spaces, school facilities managers can create and maintain engaging indoor spaces that enhance the educational experience.

    Are you looking for supplier to help make the most of your indoor spaces? The Education Forum can help!

    Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


    Stuart O'Brien

    All stories by: Stuart O'Brien

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