• Every: Asset Management Made Easy…

    800 450 Jack Wynn

    The recent growth in school autonomy has seen many schools taking on more responsibility in areas such as risk management, facilities and budgeting. Because of this, the implementation of a pragmatic and comprehensive asset management system is more important than ever. Many schools are finding traditional audit measures, such as asset spreadsheets, to be cumbersome, time-consuming and inadequate.

    Every’s system doesn’t just give you an easier way to maintain your asset register; it forecasts your replacements with smart alerts, works out depreciation in seconds and creates instant reports for your disposals all at the click of a button.


    t: 08456 8070 32

    e: hello@weareevery.com

    w: www.weareevery.com


    Jack Wynn

    All stories by: Jack Wynn

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